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term insurance

term insurance
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • low-cost insurance that is valid only for a stated period of time and has no cash surrender value or loan value
    "term insurance is most often associated with life insurance policies"



    1. Applicability of the Communication on short-term export-credit insurance
    2. Other direct insurance covers all other forms of casualty insurance. Included are term life insurance; accident and health insurance (unless these are provided as part of government social security schemes); marine, aviation and other transport insurance, fire and other property damage, pecuniary loss insurance, general liability insurance and other insurance, such as travel insurance and insurance related to loans and credit cards.
    3. The insurance and the credit institutions' insurance framework shall meet the following conditions:(a) the insurance policy must have an initial term of no less than one year.
    4. Therefore, the measure cannot be assessed under the Communication on short-term export-credit insurance.
    5. This is in accordance with the communication on short-term export-credit insurance.
    6. Included are term life insurance; accident and health insurance (unless these are provided as part of government social security schemes); marine, aviation and other transport insurance, fire and other property damage, pecuniary loss insurance, general liability insurance and other insurance, such as travel insurance and insurance related to loans and credit cards.
    7. In case N 488/06 the same declarations were relevant, since that measure concerned short-term export-credit insurance;
    8. Chapter 17A of the State Aid Guidelines, ‘Short-term export credit insurance’ shall be amended as follows:
    9. Term life insurance, where benefits are provided in the case of death but in no other circumstances, is a form of direct insurance, and is excluded here and included in Other direct insurance (code 256).
    10. The methodology for recognising insurance shall capture the following elements through discounts or haircuts in the amount of insurance recognition:(a) the residual term of an insurance policy, where less than one year, as noted above;
    11. This is not contradicted by the Commission communication to the Member States pursuant to Article 93(1) of the EC Treaty applying Articles 92 and 93 of the Treaty to short-term export-credit insurance [10], according to which, while there is a market for short-term export-credit insurance, this is not always the case for medium- and long-term insurance.
    12. These grants are compatible only on condition that they satisfy conditions of the Commission communication on short-term export-credit insurance.
    13. ‘The legislation on earnings-related benefits for long‐term incapacity for work (Chapter 8 of Law 1962: 381 on General Insurance, as amended)’;
    14. Hungary claims that the rules concerning medium and long-term export-credit [5] apply to export-credit insurance, guarantees and refinancing as well.
    15. Council Directive 98/29/EC of 7 May 1998 on harmonisation of the main provisions concerning export-credit insurance for transactions with medium and long-term cover.